What did your test show? Click the area!

Ph 9-7

Ph 6,5-4,5

area 1

area 3

area 5

area 2

area 4

area 6

Redox - 0 to 1.5 | pH = 7.0 to 9.0

Your qTest shows an elevated pH (tolerable acidity) and a low REDOX balance.

To enhance your metabolic functions and restore pH and redox, detox and nourish your body using antioxidants and nutrients. The I+G Booster and Project V’s supplements will offer optimal results. Repeat the qTest monthly for six months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

S - Natural fructooligosaccharides eliminate intestinal irritation, prevent dysbiosis, and help regulate glucose levels
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion
S2S - Blueberry juice extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and supports visual acuity
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
N - Angelica sinensis has a tonic and diuretic effect
D - Cat's claw provides excretion of toxic products of metabolism
A - Ginkgo biloba regulates blood circulation, saturates the blood with oxygen

These are the most severe conditions, based on saliva analysis. They need to be supplemented with the highest levels of powerful antioxidants with synergistic effects.

In Area 1, you won’t need to take alkalinity inducers. If you have a personal/family history of obesity, being overweight, or cancer, a family physician should be further consulted. The™strength and duration of our treatment needs to be adapted based on the results of repeated saliva tests. Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system using Project V’s nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program.

Redox - 0 to 1.5 | pH = 4.5 a 7.0

Your test showed low pH (acceptable acidity) and low REDOX balance.

To normalize metabolic processes and restore pH and REDOX balance, it is necessary to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins, strengthen antioxidant defense, and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For these results, proper lifestyle and the specially formulated I+G booster, combined with other Project V nutraceuticals, could contribute to optimal results. The qTest should be repeated each month for 6 months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

M - Omega-3 acids provide energy for transferring the impulses (signal from one neuron to another), which improves mental and memory functions.
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion
CH - Guarana seeds contain caffeine that helps the plant to have a toning effect.
NPM - Nigella sativa (black cumin) contributes to reducing allergy symptoms, supports cardiovascular health, and reduces blood lipid levels
D - Cat's claw provides excretion of toxic products of metabolism
A - Ginkgo biloba regulates blood circulation, saturates the blood with oxygen
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
P - Melissa has an antiviral and a sedative effect, alleviates depression and insomnia.
LV - Acai berry extract neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals and slows down the aging process
E - Spirulina has a lot of vitamins, as well as micronutrients. Helps to feel satisfied and balanced, reduces stress, and has a toning, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effect.
SV - Extract of garcinia cambogia increases energy levels, prolongs the feeling of fullness, and helps to burn fat
MGR - Magnesium bisglycinate offers improved magnesium absorption and relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue

Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system with Project V nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program

ReDox - 1.5 to 3.5 | pH = 7.0 to 9.0

Your qTest showed an elevated pH (acceptable acidity) and an average REDOX balance.

To normalize metabolic processes and restore pH and REDOX balance, it is necessary to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins, strengthen antioxidant defense, and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For these results, proper lifestyle and the specially formulated I+G booster, combined with other Project V nutraceuticals, could contribute to optimal results. The qTest should be repeated each month for 6 months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

OS - Calcium and vitamin D help reduce the loss of bone density in postmenopausal women. Low bone density is a risk factor in osteoporotic fractures.
BR - Gingko biloba helps reduce cognitive deterioration and improve orientation in space.
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
MGR - Magnesium bisglycinate offers improved magnesium absorption and relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue
P - Melissa has an antiviral and a sedative effect, alleviates depression and insomnia.
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion

Prospects for the severity of clinical conditions in subjects in these areas are low. Medium/high potency antioxidant-adaptogens are prescribed for three months. In three months, a new saliva analysis will be performed.

Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system with Project V nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program

ReDox - 1.5 to 3.0 | pH = 4.5 to 7.0

Your qTest showed a reduced pH level (acceptable acidity) and an average REDOX balance.

To normalize metabolic processes and restore pH and REDOX balance, it is necessary to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins, strengthen antioxidant defense, and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For these results, proper lifestyle and the specially formulated I+G booster, combined with other Project V nutraceuticals, could contribute to optimal results. The qTest should be repeated each month for 6 months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

S - Natural fructooligosaccharides eliminate intestinal irritation, prevent dysbiosis, and help regulate glucose levels
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion
D - Cat's claw provides excretion of toxic products of metabolism
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
A - Ginkgo biloba regulates blood circulation, saturates the blood with oxygen
LV - Acai berry extract neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals and slows down the aging process
ENT - Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a supplement containing organic sulfur that can help stimulate the production of joint fluid, relieving pain and inflammation in the joints.

Prospects for severity of clinical conditions in subjects in these areas are low. Medium/high potency antioxidant-adaptogens are prescribed for three months. In three months, a new saliva analysis will be performed. Only subjects in Area 4 will require the administration of Alkaline Response-Inducing Adaptogens

Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system with Project V nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program

ReDox – 3.0 to 4.5 | pH = 7.0 to 9.0

Your qTest showed moderately elevated pH (acceptable acidity) and normal REDOX balance.

To normalize metabolic processes and restore pH and REDOX balance, it is necessary to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins, strengthen antioxidant defense, and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For these results, proper lifestyle and the specially formulated I+G booster, combined with other Project V nutraceuticals, could contribute to optimal results. The qTest should be repeated each month for 6 months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

DR - Lalmin® Immunie is a unique fermented yeast-based ingredient formulated to protect the body with the immune and antioxidant properties of its ingredients.
E - Spirulina has a lot of vitamins, as well as micronutrients. Helps to feel satisfied and balanced, reduces stress, and has a toning, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effect.
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
GQ10 - Coenzyme Q10 stimulates cellular renewal and slows down the aging process of cells
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion

Subjects in these areas need a light diet of Antioxidant-Adaptogens. Saliva analysis should be performed every 20 weeks until normalization of the values. Subjects in Area 5 do not need alkaline inducers.

Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system with Project V nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program

ReDox – 3.0 to 4.5 | pH = 4.5 to 7.0

Your qTest showed low pH (acceptable acidity) and normal REDOX balance.

To normalize metabolic processes and restore pH and REDOX balance, it is necessary to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins, strengthen antioxidant defense, and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For these results, proper lifestyle and the specially formulated I+G booster, combined with other Project V nutraceuticals, could contribute to optimal results. The qTest should be repeated each month for 6 months.

*Consult a specialist for serious illnesses and complex symptoms

Recommended daily intake

These are the main active ingredients contributing to the rebalance of such a critical area test results.

S - Natural fructooligosaccharides eliminate intestinal irritation, prevent dysbiosis, and help regulate glucose levels
I - Protects against free radical damage, promotes cell regeneration, accelerates the absorption of nutrients, and normalizes digestion
DG - Chlorella helps maintain normal colon function and supports the vitality and activity of the body, accelerates the digestive processes.
D - Cat's claw provides excretion of toxic products of metabolism
N - Angelica sinensis has a tonic and diuretic effect
G - Energizes the body's rebalancing and healing processes. A natural antioxidant and adaptogen with a wide range of action.
A - Ginkgo biloba regulates blood circulation, saturates the blood with oxygen

Subjects in these areas need a light diet of antioxidant-adaptogens. Saliva testing should be performed every 20 weeks until normalized. Subjects in Area 6 need to take Alkalinity Adaptogens continuously until saliva analysis shows that this parameter has normalized.

Lifestyle changes, taking appropriate oral ANTIOXIDANTS, and modulating the REDOX system with Project V nutraceuticals are the main ways to start a better anti-aging and healthy living program